SIAMÉS @ Prague

22 NOVIEMBRE de 2024 a las 20:00
Underdogs', Calle Nádražní 349, PRAGA 5 - SMÍCHOVTodos los Publicos
After a successful first European tour in 2023, performing in 7 cities with over 5 soldouts, Siames returns to Europe this November. The band will be presenting their new studio album in 13 different cities.
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Organizado por: MENOS QUE CERO SLU
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SIAMÉS @ Prague
After a successful first European tour in 2023, performing in 7 cities with over 5 soldouts, Siames returns to Europe this November. The band will be presenting their new studio album in 13 different cities.

Más información sobre el evento

The year 2017 marked his explosive rise, not only did his self-released debut album, "Bounce Into The Music", begin to be played around the world, but his animated video clips became cult pieces for millions of young people around the world. It is not in vain that these videos have accumulated more than 250 million views on YouTube.

SIAMÉS' success is due to their energetic, comfortable indie rock with infallible choruses, as well as their image as contemporary rockstars and the impeccable creative direction of their videos, posters, and live performances.

In 2020, after conquering Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Dallas, and Mexico City on their first tour of North America, they were forced to cancel their visit to the old continent due to the pandemic, despite having almost all the tickets sold.        


Doors: 20:00

Show: 21:00


El año 2017 marcó su explosivo ascenso, no solo su álbum debut autoeditado, "Bounce Into The Music", comenzó a sonar en todo el mundo, sino que sus videoclips animados se convirtieron en piezas de culto para millones de jóvenes en todo el mundo. No es en vano que estos videos hayan acumulado más de 250 millones de visualizaciones en YouTube.

El éxito de SIAMÉS se debe a su enérgico indie rock, sofisticado y con estribillos infalibles, así como a su imagen de rockstars contemporáneos y la impecable dirección creativa de sus videos, posters y actuaciones en vivo.

En 2020, después de conquistar Los Ángeles, Chicago, Nueva York, Dallas y Ciudad de México en su primera gira por Norteamérica, se vieron obligados a cancelar su visita al viejo continente debido a la pandemia, a pesar de tener casi todas las entradas vendidas.


Puertas: 20:00

Show: 21:00

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